2 Ways to Recognize Your Employees for a Job Well Done

If you have a large staff of domestic workers, one of the hardest things to do is to ensure they’re happy in their current roles. Understanding how your workforce is feeling isn’t easy, but it’s necessary. A happy group of domestic workers could mean an uptick in efficiency and productivity, making your life much easier.

In order to keep your workforce happy, we suggest going out of your way to recognize them for their hard work. Here are two ways to do so:

1. Recognize consistently and often

While households and corporations operate very differently, the former can take some lessons from the latter: Don’t wait two years to measure employee engagement.

In a presentation to organizations, Jacob Morgan, a contributor to Forbes, said that many companies measured engagement every two years via a 120-question survey.

What’s the connection between engagement and recognition? Employees who are recognized consistently and in the correct ways are more likely to be engaged and happier at work, according to a University of Warwick England study. But if businesses are taking so long to measure engagement, they’re simply not keeping the pulse of their work in other areas (namely recognition).

Don’t be them. Run your household like a successful workplace that takes time to recognize and award employees monthly at a minimum.

2. Award employees appropriately

Not every employee wants to be rewarded in the same way. Some may value more time off to spend with their friends and family, while others may wish for more education opportunities to hone their craft (think nursing or culinary classes). Gauge your workforce and award appropriately.

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