3 benefits of reading with your charges

As the weather gets colder, it gets harder to find great activities to do with your charges. Any nanny in Los Angeles knows that they have to keep the children they watch over entertained and engaged. Winter can make this harder, but one of the best activities to do doesn't even require you to leave the house – reading.

There are many reasons why nannies should read with their charges. Here are three of the best ones:

Fostering imagination – Reading is one of the key elements of fostering a strong imagination in children at a young age. The more they read, and are read to, the better their creative thinking skills will develop. This will serve them well throughout life, from developing related creative talents, such as music, to socializing in school and the workplace later on.

Language development – Reading also plays a central role in language development at a young age. The more children are read to the broader their vocabulary will be and the better they will understand the English language. This also helps boost their comprehension skills for other subject matters, such as math.

Relaxation time – Of course, nannies and their charges also can use some time to rest and relax during the day, which reading can provide. As nannying can be a physically-demanding career, the chance to sit down for 20-minutes to an hour can be a much needed break at times.

Colonial Domestic Agency can assist anyone looking to launch a career as Los Angeles nannies with key job placement services to ensure they are connected with a family that not only needs their skills, but will fit personality-wise as well.

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