3 etiquette tips for domestic staff

As a private chef, personal assistant, estate manager or any other type of domestic staff member, etiquette is a major part of the job. From housekeepers to chauffeurs, knowing the rules of etiquette that are expected of you before you even start the job will help you fit in faster, make a positive impression and develop job security.

Etiquette plays a critical role in how a domestic employee interacts with his or her employers and their guests. It also develops into a focused lifestyle that is often maintained at all times, rather than simply on the job. This is found, in many cases, with butlers and estate managers, but also with other staff members as they develop further in their careers.

Here are a few tips for developing the etiquette needed to succeed in this industry:

Don't apologize – If and when you make a mistake, rather than apologizing, simply correct it and move on. Your employer won't expect you to say "sorry" and expect forgiveness, they will expect the situation to be rectified. Apologizing wastes time and make you seem less capable. Mistakes are made, a good domestic staff member corrects them swiftly and moves on to the next task to ensure the household remains operating smoothly.

Know the schedule – Your boss will have a schedule and it's your job to know it and anticipate his or her needs. If they have an event coming up that you'll be involved with in someway, make sure you're already doing the appropriate job and are ready for any scheduling changes as they may occur. This will help you seem proactive and like an integral part of their life.

Remain silent – Never discuss your employer or the household's personal business. Remaining silent is a major part of any domestic staff member's job, and they must learn to avoid questions when possible, especially when working for celebrities.

If you think you have what it takes to become a domestic assistant, contact Colonial Domestic Agency for more information.

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