3 last minute plans for when your nanny is sick

Despite appearing to be superhuman sometimes, nannies are mere mortals as well, and this means they too succumb to illness from time to time. However, if you don't have a child care service on speed dial or a backup nanny who can step in for a day, this could leave you in a lurch. If your nanny comes down with the flu or another sudden illness that prevents him or her from taking care of your child for a day or two, do you have a plan?

Here are a few ideas for emergency day care for your child if your nanny takes a sick day:

Call your parents – If they live nearby calling your parents and asking if they can watch your child for a day may not be a bad idea. Just make sure to clear the idea with them well in advance. If they're willing to play nanny at the last minute, this gives them a chance to enjoy a day with their grandchild and gives you free day care while your nanny recovers.

Schedule a play date – Calling friends to schedule a play date could be a great way to cover your nanny's sick day. This gives your child a chance to play with a friend, but just remember that you might have to return the favor in the near future.

Take them to work day care – Many offices and workplaces have day care services that you can call last minute to arrange care for your child. While it might not be the best option, you know your child is being looked after while you're on the job, and you can pick him or her up at the end of the day without going out of your way.

If you're considering hiring a nanny on a permanent basis, contact Colonial Domestic Agency today.

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