3 myths about hiring a personal assistant

If you're always on the go, it might be tough for you to admit that you finally need to get some extra assistance. Every person can have different needs, but the important thing is that you pay attention to how much you're getting done. When you can see some clear areas where you might notice improvement, it could be a sign that you need to work with some more staff.

Think you know everything there is to know about when to hire a personal assistant? Some of the things you take for granted might be inaccurate. Consider these possible misconceptions when deciding if a personal assistant is actually best for you:

  1. Digital is the same: There's been a lot of press about the power of programs that act as virtual assistants for coordinating various functions. In a recent Washington Post article, Hayley Tsukayama said that the functions of the digital assistant program Alexa is "good for passive help rather than active help." While she doesn't mention human assistants specifically, working with a live person could add that active help that you're looking for.
  2. Personal assistants are only for high-ranking executives: There's no one single type of person who an assistant is helpful for. In fact, a personal assistant might be even more valuable to those who are running their own business instead of working for an existing one.
  3. Hiring an assistant is just more work: At first, it could seem that taking on hired help is just more responsibility for you to worry about. However, as David Finkel wrote in a recent Inc.com piece, you can set up detailed lists and systems for this person to follow so they stay organized. In the long run, hiring an assistant will save you time and help streamline the many things you have to do.

Get these misconceptions out of the way, and you may start to see ways that a personal assistant could help you.

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