3 reasons nannies should read with their children

Finding good activities to entertain and engage children can be difficult for nannies in Los Angeles. Going to parks, zoos and the beach only works on sunny days with good weather, but when it's raining, cold or otherwise nasty out, positive indoor activities are critical. Depending on the age of the child there are a plethora of things a nanny can do, from playing with blocks with an infant to teaching a 5-year old to paint. But at any age, reading is something all children enjoy.

There are many reasons why a nanny should read with the children he or she cares for, but three of them stand out above the rest:

  • Develop language comprehension – Reading to a young child or helping an older child read can help develop stronger language and reading comprehension skills, facilitate learning and education and boost mental acuity.
  • Improve imagination – Reading fosters imagination and creativity in children, which will translate into other skills and activities, from painting to music. This helps children perform other favorite tasks and can enhance their social skills as well by giving them ideas and stories to share with their young friends.
  • Time to rest – A benefit for the nanny, more than the child, is that reading is an activity that can be performed nearly anywhere, which allows the nanny to get off his or her feet for a short while. As nannying can be a physically-demanding career, the chance to sit down for 20-minutes to an hour can be a much needed break at times.

Colonial Domestic Agency can help anyone looking for a nanny job to connect with the right family and learn more about available positions in Los Angeles.

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