3 things to keep in mind when hiring a nanny

Nannies can bring many benefits to a busy Los Angeles home, be it handling the day-to-day activities with the children to helping clean up and take care of them. In order to ensure the nanny you choose is the perfect fit for your family there are a variety of factors that a potential employer needs to keep in mind. From whether or not to hire a foreign nanny to figuring out the legal working hours for the profession, it is critical to know what you can and can't expect of your nanny and what tasks you should hand off to them to optimize their services.

Three of the more important considerations to keep in mind when hiring a nanny are:

  • Live in or out? – A live-in nanny can bring additional benefits that a nanny who travels to your home every day does. However, this requires additional costs, beyond room and board, to ensure that a nanny remains happy with her position, and can also add increased stress to the job, which could result in higher turnover and a harder time finding the perfect nanny.
  • Wage deductions – While you can deduct room and board and certain other expenses from your nanny's pay, you have to be careful about what you do and don't deduct. Taking advantage of these guidelines can leave your nanny unhappy, forcing more turnover or lower-quality service.
  • Tax deductions – There are income tax deductions for hiring a nanny as well, and these you should take advantage of. Be sure to learn what is and isn't deductible in California.

For assistance in finding the perfect nanny, contact Colonial Domestic Agency for help interviewing and making the tough decisions for your children's future.

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