3 tips for dressing to impress for an interview

Before you speak a word, you set your first impression at a job interview with your appearance. How you dress and your personal grooming can play a key role in landing any job, particularly in the domestic staffing industry, where you become a member of someone's personal retinue. Whether you're a chauffeur or a housekeeper, your appearance matters and you want to dress to impress for any job interview.

Below are a few suggestions for looking your best when interviewing with a potential employer for any domestic staffing position:

Be modern – Clothing styles change, and while it isn't worth keeping up with the latest trends, making sure your clothing isn't a decade behind the times is a good idea. Make sure your wardrobe doesn't look like it came from the 90's the 80's, and ensure your accessories match as well.

Dress for the job you want, not the job you have – Many people wear a nice outfit that they think will fit with the position they are interviewing for. However, if you really want to impress a potential employer you should dress in a way that matches your career aspirations. You might be interviewing to be a housekeeper, but dress as if you're interviewing for an estate manager position.

Dress for the season – It always pays to look your best, and color palettes change by season. Consider owning two or three outfits to optimize your look based on whether you're interviewing in the winter, summer or fall.

Looking your best is only part of the equation. If you're looking for a new job in domestic services this year, contact Colonial Domestic Agency to take advantage of our key placement services.

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