3 ways to prepare for your in-laws: Part One

Have you wanted to host your in-laws, but find work getting in the way. Whether you're working your day job or trying to keep your house in order, there's simply no time to host. However, they're family and you desperately want to make something work.

Here are three ways that'll make hosting a much more enjoyable process:

1. Hire a personal chef

Let's be honest, have you really become a better cook since the last time your in-laws visited? Maybe you think you have, but it's going to be hard to convince your mother in-law. Forgo the stress of having to cook a lavish meal by yourself. Hire a personal chef and focus on ensuring your in-laws feel relaxed and welcomed. 

2. Hire a personal assistant

It's going to be difficult entertaining your in-laws when a flood of e-mails pour into your inbox. A personal assistant will take care of all of that for you. Not only will he or she help manage your email, a personal assistant can help you with other errands such as purchasing presents for your in-laws and picking them up from the airport if you're at work.

3 Hire housekeepers

Between taking care of your children, planning your in-laws' stay and being at work from 9 to 5, you may find it hard to keep your house tidy. A housekeeper can make your home sparkle. This will also help reduce your stress so you can focus more on ensuring they enjoy themselves.

Hiring a personal chefpersonal assistant or housekeeper is a great way to help you host your in-laws. Domestic staffing agencies, such as Colonial Domestic Agency, can help you find these employees.

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