3 ways to prepare for your in-laws: Part Two

There's not much time to plan a stay for your in-laws when you're working 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. More so, when they do arrive, you may find it difficult to be a good host because you are constantly trying to keep your house in order. 

However, hosting doesn't have to be stressful. In the final part of our two-part series, we look at three professionals who can help you host your in-laws: 

1. Hire an estate manager

If you are managing all of the staff members running your household, consider hiring an estate manager. An estate manager will run operations, leaving you free to host your in-laws. 

2. Hire a butler

Imagine all of the free time you'll have when you don't have to manage your house staff, keep track of your living expenses, make travel arrangements or even clean up after every meal. A butler is flexible enough to not only manage, but also do some light housekeeping, which gives you more time to make memories with your in-laws.

3. Hire a personal valet

A valet is perfect for business owners who find themselves swamped with work while also trying to manage their lives at home. A valet can help you manage everything from your wardrobe, packing and unpacking for travel, greeting guests and ensuring your in-laws have a wonderful stay.

These domestic professionals will not only personally cater to your in-laws, they'll also help reduce the stress of hosting, which will allow you to spend more time with your family.

If you're looking for domestic jobs and to work with a domestic staffing agency, contact Colonial Domestic Agency today!

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