3 ways to prepare nannies for their new positions

Have you hired a nanny? That's great! But suddenly you may find yourself asking, "now what?" It's important to set your nanny up for success. Here are three ways to prepare your nanny for her new job.

1. Introduce them to the family
While it may seem like a stretch, parents need to view a nanny as new member of their family. After all, she'll be around quite a bit, cooking, cleaning and driving kids to their sports practices or concerts. It's important that parents, their children—and we can include family pets here too—get used to a nanny well before she becomes a permanent fixture in their lives.

The best way to do this is for the family, nanny included, to enjoy a day or evening out together. They could eat dinner at a restaurant, go bowling or enjoy some time in the park. This time allows children to comfortably ask the nanny questions.

2. Set up a plan
Too many times nannies begin jobs without knowing what to expect. Sure, they may be told that their respective families live busy lives, but just how busy? Are the parents away for 10 hours a day? Or are they constantly traveling? Do the kids play sports during the week and on the weekend attend music practices? These are all questions – although not all of them – that should be addressed before the nanny sets foot in a family's home.

3. Provide feedback
Feedback should be given throughout the nanny's tenure with the family. However, it's extremely important that a family doesn't neglect to provide feedback when the nanny first starts. The first few weeks is crucial. This helps the nanny understand how she's performing and fixes any immediate problem areas.

If you're trying to find nanny jobs in Los Angeles, contact Colonial Domestic Agency today!

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