It's important you spend time with your children on vacation. However, it's also important you and your significant other enjoy each other's company without having to worry about changing diapers or making dinner. A nanny can lift some of the weight off your shoulders so your vacation becomes exactly that rather than work away from home.
1. Present a vacation schedule
While your nanny shouldn't help you plan your vacation, it's still important to inform her about your family's schedule. You should let her know how many hours she'll be working, when she'll have time off and what you'll require her to do during those working hours
2. Travel arrangements
Your nanny will need a way to get to your vacation destination, as well as a place to stay when there. Remember to discuss with her the flight and the room details. Presumably she'll be on the same flight as you and, if possible, seated close to you on the plane. This will ensure she's able to help you out with the children if necessary. When booking her hotel room, you'll also want to consider having her stay close by your room for convenience.
3. Let her enjoy herself as well
Yes, your vacation is work-time for a nanny, but a happy employee produces the best results. She may never get the opportunity to visit some of the vacation spots you are touring, so it's a nice gesture to let her explore the local area, sample the cuisine and make some memories. You're sure to have a family-only day, so this is the perfect opportunity to let her unwind and have some fun.
Hiring a nanny can help your vacation run more smoothly. If you're looking for nanny jobs or are interested in finding a nanny, contact Colonial Domestic Agency today!