3 ways your kids can help you prepare for Thanksgiving

Do you anticipate a busy Thanksgiving? Are you nervous that you'll be swamped with work and not be able to watch your kids.

We have some tips for you that will not only keep them busy but also allow them to participate in the Thanksgiving Day fun.

1. Let them help cook

If you've hired a chef to help you prepare your Thanksgiving Day feast, ask if he or she wouldn't mind if the kids watched the meal preparation. This is a great way to keep them occupied while you get the rest of your home ready for guests. At the same time, meal prep can be educational. The chef can teach your kids about all of the items they'll be feasting on later in the day.

Of course, always make sure to have your chef go over the rules of the kitchen with the children.

2. Have them clean the house

The more hands the better! Cleaning a home can take a lot of time even if you've hired help. Have them help your nanny or housekeeper make your home spotless. The kids can help by picking up their toys and making their beds. When they're done, they can help pick up their belongings around the yard.

3. Have them be tour guides

Do you have extended family coming from all over the U.S.? If these family members have never seen your home before, they'll need a tour. Because you'll be busy prepping for dinner and after-dinner activities, have your kids give your guests a tour of the house. They'll love acting as tour guides.

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