5 Fall and Halloween decoration ideas for nannies

Making decorations for the season and displaying them around the house are both great activities to engage children in, giving nannies numerous opportunities throughout the year to keep their charges active and learning about crafts. For the fall and Halloween there are quite a few great decoration ideas that can be made with children that will bring out the spooky spirit of the holiday and set the general tone for autumn.

A few of our favorite decoration ideas are:

Black cats – Using construction paper you can cut out black cats, flying witches and other thematic decorations to hang in windows or on walls.

Ghost walls – With construction paper you can also create haunted faces on white walls or doors to created a haunted house look for an exciting walk throughout the house.

Jack-o-lanterns – The most popular decoration for Halloween and autumn are pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns. You can carve these festive decorations with older children and allow younger charges to decide where they will be placed.

Leaf wreathes – Creating wreathes of twigs and colored foliage is a great way to create festive, seasonal decorations for the fall. These wreathes can be hung on the front door or in windows, and made using materials found for free outside. Taking a walk through the park to collect thin branches and colorful leaves is another activity in itself as well.

Spider webs – You can stretch, rip and twist cotton upholstery filling to resemble spider webs and cobwebs, hanging them throughout the house and even attaching plastic spiders for an added Halloween-themed thrill.

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