5 reasons to use the internet to find your dream job with a domestic staffing agency

Are you looking for a new job, but you’re not sure how to go about finding one? Use the internet and network with staffing agencies and their recruiters. More than ever before, job seekers in the domestic field are clicking their way to their dream positions.

Here are five reasons why you must upgrade how you search for openings:

1. Google knows you’re looking for a new job

According to U​nbridled Talent LLC, 30 percent of all Google searches are job related. That is roughly 300 million per month. Think Google doesn’t recognize this? If you search for anything related to employment, you’ll find a wealth of jobs posted by staffing agencies. It’s the perfect way to also scan employee reviews on that staffing agency.

2.  Recruiters use social media

Recruiters are taking full advantage of social media to find quality leads. According to a 2013 Jobvite survey, “94 percent of recruiters use or plan to use social media in their recruiting efforts.” Seventy-eight percent of recruiters have hired a worker though social media. The odds are in your favor when you’re socially active.

3.  Your generation is leaving you in the dust

Millennials are leveraging social media to gain an idea of the most in-demand jobs on the market. Few, if any, domestic agencies are relying solely on newspapers to post their job listings for quality jobs for estate-managers, chefs or nurses because they often need to fill positions quickly.

5. Build your online portfolio

Include links to your Twitter and LinkedIn account because chances are staffing agencies and families will perform a Google search for your accounts anyway. According to CNET article, 93 percent of recruiters will scan a job seekers’ social media profile.

Are you interested in applying for a domestic job with one of the most trusted domestic staffing agencies? Contact Colonial Domestic Agency today!

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