6 places to experience autumn in L.A.: Part Two

Are you a nanny and searching for new, fun things to do with the kids this fall? Head outside and explore the local area.

There are plenty of places around Los Angeles to take in autumn. In the final part of our two-part series, we look at a few more family-friendly places to visit:

The Arboretum

You don't need to take a long trip out to New England to experience autumn. You can do so right in the comfort of Los Angeles. Take the kids to the Arboretum and let them explore its many gardens landscapes, historic structures, wildlife and library.

The Arboretum's aquatic gardens are a serene assortment of quiet pools that rest at the summit of Tallac Knoll. Enjoy a walk through its perennial garden and stroll through its variety of shrubs and trees.

Solstice Canyon

Nestled in the Santa Monica Mountains, Solstice Canyon is a beautiful, quiet spot the kids will love to visit. The canyon is the only place with year-round waterfalls in the mountains and is the perfect area for a short, leisure hike or a strenuous six-mile trek.

Solstice Canyon also is steeped in history, making it the perfect place for kids to learn about some local culture. The canyon is home to Matthew Keller's stone cottage, which he built in 1865. It's considered the oldest home in Malibu.

West Valley

If you'd rather enjoy the sights and sounds of autumn from a vehicle, take a quick drive over to West Valley. There are several streets lined by non-native deciduous trees that will make you feel like you're driving through a pastel painting.

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