6 ways a nanny can help you during the holidays: Part Two

The holidays are always busy, and many times parents struggle to take care of their children and plan a holiday party. If you're one of those parents, let us help you out!

A nanny can ensure your children are taken care of and that you have enough time to host family and friends. In part one of our two-part series, we explored how a nanny can keep kids entertained, help them with their homework and assist you in prep work. In the final part, we'll look at a couple of more ways a nanny is beneficial during the holidays and beyond.

1. Help kids prepare for school

Many kids have school vacation right around the holidays, meaning they'll likely be busy studying for tests and finishing projects. Unfortunately for parents, this is also one of their busiest times of year. While parents are planning their holiday gathering, nannies can help children with their schoolwork.

2. Organize children's bedroom

If you take a quick look in your children's bedrooms, what do you see? You'll likely notice tons of toys from last year. If you celebrate Hanukkah or Christmas, your children will probably need to make some space in their rooms for new items.

A nanny can help your kids pick out toys they want to keep and ones they want to donate.

3. Entertain guests

Nannies are very busy, but they are great at managing tasks. They'll be able to take care of your children while also talking with guests and making them feel welcome in your home.

If you're trying to find a nanny, contact Colonial Domestic Agency today!


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