8 ways to solve conflicts between employees: Part 2

You need to understand how to properly handle workplace conflict. In the first part of our two-part series, we discussed four ways to handle conflict within the workplace, including the importance of solving problems quickly and how to be a great mediator. In this part, we continue the discussion on how to properly handle internal strife amongst employees.

"Don't be afraid to step in and offer tips, but don't overstep your boundaries by micromanaging."

1. Monitor the situation
Just because two employees have settled their differences, doesn't mean the same problems won't present themselves thereafter. Monitor the situation by observing how employees work together and discuss potential problems with them if they arise. Don't be afraid to step in and offer tips, but don't overstep your boundaries by micromanaging.

Under some circumstances you might also consider scheduling a follow-up meeting. This a great time to talk about how the relationship has healed and whether there's anything further you can do to strengthen their bond.

2. Don't let emotions get in the way
It's natural for managers to gravitate toward certain workers that have similar personalities or traits as them, as well as ones that work particularly hard. But this could be a problem if these supervisors can't separate their personal feelings from work responsibilities. By staying neutral during conflicts, you'll help ease tension.

3. Form a strategy
If you find that two or more employees regularly argue, and its affecting their work, develop a strategy that helps them overcome their differences.

While this line of thinking may appear more appropriate for the corporate world, remember this: It doesn't matter whether you work at a small or large company or in a home, you're still a supervisor. That means you need to take care of your staff just like any manager would.

Here's a couple of things your strategy could (and probably should) address:

  1. Common workplace problems: Create a manual on how best to address common workplace problems related to the types of domestic workers you have employed.
  2. Establish disciplinary measures: Don't hesitate to create a formal, legal document that establishes rules and addresses the consequences if an employee breaks policy. How to improve internal collaboration: One of the best ways to mitigate problems is by listing ways to improve team chemistry and communication. A few ways might be to invest in team outings or dedicate certain days of the month to team outings.

4. Be the leader by leading by example
Your employees will follow your lead. So if you're constantly arguing with workers, there's a good chance they'll feel this is acceptable behavior. Your workplace culture depends on how employees, including yourself, interact, so make sure to create a positive workplace that encourages communication, collaboration and professional growth. And don't forget to have fun!

If you're interested in hiring domestic staffing professionals to complete domestic jobs around your home, talk to a domestic staffing agency. Contact Colonial Domestic Agency today! 

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