9 great block party ideas: Part Two

Summer is here and you're trying to find ways to be more active. Organizing a block party could be a great way to inject a ton of excitement into your summer. There are countless aspects to organizing a block party, but the most difficult is getting started. Here are a few tips to help you along the way:

1. Hire a professional chef

Do you live next to neighbors who are a little hesitant to stop by your block party? Maybe they're shy or are just not the party type. Or maybe they're afraid they won't like the food. After all, if you have a potluck, you can be certain there will be one or two plates that are less than appetizing. However, you may just be able to change their minds by hiring a personal chef.  A chef can prep, cook and serve food for you, which will let you focus on entertaining your guests.

2. Music sets the mood

Under most circumstances, it'd be shocking to take part in a summer block party that played sad music. It'd be tough to keep guests happy, active and willing to stay. To avoid this piaster, ensure your party's D.J., whether hired or a friend, is clear about what type of music should be played. Have them put together a playlist and send it over to you a few weeks before the start date. You can quickly scan the list to see if the music is appropriate for your party's audience.

3. Find out your town's rules and set your own the rules

Do you need to block the street off for the day? You likely have to obtain a permit from your town to do so. Many towns will actually provide barriers that you can pick up the day before or after your party.

If you're looking for chef jobs or are interested in hiring a personal chef, contact Colonial Domestic Agency today!

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