9 mistakes that can ruin your job interview: Part Three

In the final part of our three-part series, we look at a few more ways to help you land the perfect job. Remember that you have one opportunity to make a great first impression, so not making mistakes is crucial.

1. Lying

If you're a chef and you've never made double consommé or mole poblano — two meals Le Cordon Bleu named as the most difficult to make — don't tell the recruiter you've done so. There's a chance he or she will inform the family you have this skill level and then you'll really be in a conundrum.

The interview is a perfect time to set expectations that allow you to figure out whether the job is right for you.

2. Overstating your weakness

If you can't cook certain complex meals, follow up with saying what difficult meals you can craft. Don't let a recruiter dwell on your weaknesses. Instead, showcase your strengths. While you can't cook  double consommé, maybe you can put together a delightful gâteau Saint Honoré, which Le Cordon Bleu also named as one the hardest desserts to cook.

The important thing is to showcase that you're flexible enough to overcome any obstacle placed before you. Recruiters understand that you won't know everything, but they want to feel like you'll be able to quickly grow into the role and improve. 

3. Not researching

It may seem like a surprising piece of advice, however, it's still important to research both the firm and the recruiter you'll be interviewing with. This will indicate to the recruiter that you care about the opportunity. It'll also help your conversation flow smoothly.

Are you interested in applying for domestic jobs with one of the most trusted domestic staffing agencies? Contact Colonial Domestic Agency today!

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