9 mistakes that can ruin your job interview: Part Two

You worked hard to obtain an interview with Colonial Domestic, so make sure you're ready for the interview. Making a mistake can quickly cost you the job of your dreams and many are easily avoidable.

In part two of our three-part series, we look a few more ways to land the job.

1. Not asking questions

There are plenty of things you likely want to know about working with a particular family. The best time to ask is when you meet with a recruiter for the first time. If you're a chef, you can ask about the types of foods you'll cook. If you're a nanny, you may ask about your specific day-to-day requirements. If you're a personal assistant, you may want to know how fixed or flexible your schedule will be.

2. Not dressing correctly

No matter the type of job you're interviewing for you should always dress business formal. This shows the recruiter that you're serious about the position you're applying to. Dressing in casual wear such as jeans or a t-shirt is a quick way to get your resume thrown in the waste bucket.

3. Not being prepared

How many resumes did you print out? You should double check before you leave your house for an interview. If your recruiter says you'll be meeting with two people, bring four resumes. Two will be handed to the recruiters you know you'll meet with and the other two are extras in case you unexpectedly meet with other staff members.

Are you interested in applying for domestic jobs with one of the most trusted domestic staffing agencies? Contact Colonial Domestic Agency today!

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