In today's competitive economy, landing a job seems more difficult than ever before. You're going to want to create a resume that sets you apart for the pack.
"For many people, it isn't a lack of experience, education or training that is keeping them from getting a call back — or these days, an e-mail back. Instead, it often comes down to how you're presenting yourself via your resume," reports Elli Sharef on Mashable.
So how can you give your resume an upgrade to make you more successful in your domestic service career? Check out some helpful tips below.
- Tailor your skills to a specific job: While you may be tempted to list every skill you've acquired in your lifetime (like that time you learned how to build a fire at Girl Scout camp) on your resume, it is best to tailor your skills to the specific job you're applying to. For instance, if you are continuing your career as a nanny, it is helpful to list that you are CPR certified, but may be less crucial to note that you're proficient in social media.
- Tell your story concisely: No one knows your professional story better than yourself. Learn how to condense your tale into one page, since recruiters don't want to have to flip through several pages. Jumbled up resumes that go on and on can appear desperate. Furthermore, cutting your resume down to one page shows that you are concise and efficient.
Do you want to showcase your resume to land your dream job in domestic services? Register with Colonial Domestic Agency today!