Personal chefs in Los Angeles face unique demands and challenges that could be unexpected for those who haven't worked in the industry. These duties often keep private cooks going well into the night! The responsibilities of a personal cook are rarely limited to three square meals a day, but the opportunities to explore the creative and educational sides of the industry abound in a private kitchen.
Diet restrictions – Private chefs may have to learn entirely new ways of cooking should the family they cook for have dietary restrictions. Gluten-free, lactose intolerance, autoimmune disorders and other diet needs all require different ways of preparing food or substituting ingredients that may challenge a chef, but also offer exciting opportunities to learn more about their trade.
Nutrition – One of the key challenges that a personal chef can explore is nutrition research and trends. Those affluent enough to hire a private cook are often interested in the latest foods and diets, requiring those who prepare their meals to stay up to date on this information as well. Researching seasonal, cultural and trending cuisine can expand one's knowledge of food and open up more opportunities.
Party planning – Many personal chefs will be required to cook for not just their employers, but house guests, friends and partygoers, requiring bulk preparation, knowledge of hors d'oeuvres and other essentials of cooking for varying group sizes.
For any cook looking to expand into a career as a private chef in L.A., Colonial Domestic Agency offers job placement assistance to ensure your skills are paired with the right household.