As an estate manager, it is likely that you will be responsible for overseeing the installation and maintenance of your employer's home security system. The days of a simple punch code alarm system are over, as many aspects of a home — from security cameras to refrigerator settings — are connected to the internet so that homeowners can access them with their smartphones. There is no doubt that these devices are convenient, but in the rush to create "smart homes," some manufacturers are not paying enough attention to security. Estate managers should be aware of the vulnerabilities of these systems to protect their employers from hackers and theft.
Earlier this month, hackers at the Black Hat and DefCon computer security conferences in Las Vegas demonstrated how easily one could take control of an internet-enabled vehicle. The driver was completely unable to steer or apply the brakes. While no one was harmed in this situation, it showed how life-threatening security breaches can be.
In a demonstration that hits closer to home, computer security researcher Daniel Crowley showed convention-goers how a third party can hack into a door lock and open it from a computer. According to CNN, he asked the audience for a random four-digit number and successfully changed the lock's code. Crowley cautioned that smart-lock technology may not be the best option for all households.
"If someone breaks into your house and there's no sign of forced entry, how are you going to [convince] your insurance company?" he said to CNN.
Presenters at the conferences suggested that anyone considering purchasing a smart security system research all of their options thoroughly.
Experienced estate managers in Los Angeles should consider using the help of Colonial Domestic Agency for their job search. Our experienced counselors can match you with an employer who appreciates your skills and experience.