Help for the holidays: Butler

The holidays are a busy time of year and chances are you are going need extra help around your house. Many households opt to hire a temporary helping hand during this hectic time period, which is why we'll be spelling out important considerations to adhere to when looking for seasonal domestic service workers. Today, we'll start with butlers. For hundreds of years, butlers have served an important function in estates, providing both hosting and housekeeping services. Are you planning on hosting a myriad of guests this holiday season? Think about hiring a seasonal butler and keep these considerations in mind.

  • Know exactly what you want: When hiring domestic service professionals, even if just for the holidays, it is important to know what you want and what your household needs. For instance, will your butler simply be helping serve meals for your parties, or will he also assist with shopping, cleaning and other household services?
  • Up your budget: "We have discovered through trial and error that it pays to pay well when you find the right people to work in your home. Hiring the lowest cost option doesn't make sense when you are entrusting someone with your most private and priceless possessions," Tim O'Leary, editor in chief of the The Bizzy Lifestyle, writes on his blog. Even if you have to spend a little bit more, hiring an experienced butler will be worth it in the long run.

If you want to hire a new or seasonal butler for your household, contact Colonial Domestic Agency. We'll set you up with a hardworking and loyal employee who will be sure to minimize the stress around the holidays.

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