How to bounce back from job rejection

In today's tough economy it seems as if finding the right job is like searching for a needle in a haystack. It's easy to feel discouraged when you don't get your dream job, but it's important to stay positive and keep at it. Take a look at some tips for bouncing back from job rejection.

  • Put things in perspective: "Work with the mindset that the employer that rejected you wasn't right for you," suggests The NonProfit Times. "Things always have a way of working themselves out and, when you finally do get hired, you might realize that getting rejected from that earlier 'dream job' was the best thing that could have happened."
  • Stay positive: Although staying positive is easier said than done, it's important to keep an open mind and repair your self esteem after a job rejection. Many people get so frustrated when job searching that they simply give up with things don't go their way. However, this negative attitude will make you less motivated and less likely to find your dream job in the long run.
  • Stick to your goals: As cliché as it may sound, don't give up! You'll be closer to achieving the job of your dreams if you stick to your goals. Make a list of steps you can take to achieve these goals, whether that be joining a professional network or learning a new skill.

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