How to fit in as a member of a household staff

Although you may not be working in a Downton Abbey-esque home, it's very possible that you will not be the only domestic staffer working for a family. While it can be enjoyable to have colleagues in what can sometimes be a lonely environment, it can be challenging to work with others in such intimate surroundings. We offer the following tips and suggestions for you to be an effective member of a household staff. 

Know your role

If you are a nanny, then your job is to take care of your employer's children. If you are a housekeeper, then you should be keeping the house clean. The same rule applies for cooks, chauffeurs, butlers, etc. Members of household staff should only be doing duties agreed upon by them and their employer. This means that you should not encroach on any of the responsibilities of any of your colleagues. On the same note, you should not offer any unsolicited advice about how someone can do his or her job better. Suggestions and concerns should be brought to the attention of the house manager, or employer if such a position does not exist in your place of work.

Steer clear of gossip

It can be tempting, but avoid repeating things that you've heard within the house or about your employer to your co-workers. Domestic staff are expected to maintain confidentiality, and you should respect your employer's privacy. Malicious gossip or even seemingly innocent off-hand remarks can cost you your job and even hinder you from finding future employment. 

If you are an experienced staffer looking to take the next step in your career, contact Colonial Domestic Agency today. Our counselors are skilled at matching qualified applicants with top employers. 

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