Nanny tips: What to wear on the job

What is the appropriate attire for a nanny? You don't have to be dressed like Mary Poppins, but your choice of clothing should be professional and enable you to do your job properly. 

We offer the following Dos and Don'ts for what a nanny should wear on the job:


Take cues from your employers – While we're not suggesting that go out and buy identical outfits, paying attention to how your employer dresses can give you a good idea about which types of clothing they deem appropriate.

Wear comfortable shoes – This is especially important if you are caring for children with a lot of energy. You'll appreciate the fact that you chose to wear athletic shoes when you are chasing kids around the playground.

Wear stain- or water-resistant clothing – It's likely that you will get dirty every once in a while, so make sure that you're not stuck with stains the entire day. You should also bring an extra change of clothing everyday.


Bring unwanted attention upon yourself – The workday is not the time to show off your fashion sense. Leave the low cut shirts and clothing with words and phrases printed on them at home. You should remember that you are representing your employer whenever you are with their children.

Wear dangling jewelry – This can be a safety hazard for you and the children you care for. In addition to pulling them off you, younger kids may also put these things in their mouths, creating a clothing risk. 

Wear your favorite outfit – It will no longer be your favorite once it's exposed to an infant or toddler. Save yourself a headache and leave sentimental or expensive clothing items at home.

The skilled counselors at Colonial Domestic Agency place experienced childcare providers in top nanny jobs in California. Contact us today to take the next step in your career.

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