Parents seeking older, experienced nannies

Parents are no longer hiring teenage babysitters to watch over their children. In fact, a new survey shows that most parents are looking for older nannies with extensive life experience.

The annual survey by Nannytax, a company that offers nanny payroll service to families, found that more than half of nannies are over the age of 30. Most nannies boast lengthy experience, as more than a third of those surveyed have worked as a nanny for at least a decade. Gone are the days of high school caretakers. Only 1.2 percent of nannies are under the age of 20, according to the British survey. 

"Older nannies are very much in demand. They have more experience, more worldly experience and life experience which is something that a lot of parents are looking for now. I think experience is now paramount over and above qualifications," Helen Harvey, payroll service director at Nannytax, told the UK Telegraph.

A London agency who participated in the survey told the paper that many of the nannies they hire are over the age of 50. One qualified nanny was even 73 years old! Nannytax surveyed 437 nannies, 566 families employing a nanny and 95 nanny agencies.

As you can see, experienced nannies are in demand. If you boast lengthy experience and are searching for nanny jobs in Los Angeles, be sure to register with Colonial Domestic Agency. Or, if you're looking to hire a professional nanny, contact us. We can match you with a qualified nanny who boasts a lengthy resume! 

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