Seasonal cooking: Private chefs following the seasons for healthier meals

Health and nutrition experts have begun to advocate seasonal eating – consuming the fruits and vegetables that grow naturally during the current seasons, rather than purchasing those considered to be "out of season." For personal chefs in Los Angeles, this trend is providing a new opportunity to expand their repertoire and enhance the diets of their employers.

Seasonal cooking takes advantage of a more unique blending of ingredients, often inspiring chefs to use vegetables or fruits they might not have selected otherwise. It is also considered to promote a healthier diet, as it focuses on consuming an increased amount of vegetables that are in abundance at the time of harvesting. Furthermore, seasonal eating habits boost ecological growth, as they focus on more natural growing patterns.

For some seasonal suggestions, chefs have to not only consider the current season, but also their location. In North America, seasonal options for the summer include:

  • Corn
  • Eggplant
  • Green beans
  • Okra
  • Peas
  • Summer squash

Of course, favorites such as broccoli, carrots, celery, leeks, mushrooms and spinach are in season year-round, providing plenty of other options to round out a healthy meal. For more information on seasonal vegetables the Center of Urban Education about Sustainable Agriculture provides a useful chart.

Seasonal cooking and eating can also apply to meats, revolving around the best time to collect eggs – in the Spring – or when meat is at its best. According to Mother Earth News, this can also help households save money, as meat prices will adjust seasonally.

Private chefs looking to expand their potential and offer a seasonally-based diet to a household in need in LA should contact Colonial Domestic Agency for expert job placement services to help them find the ideal household for their skills.

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