Should your nanny use social media?

We are in an age in which sharing information about our location, mood, what we are eating and anything else that we can think of is almost second nature. But do we want every detail about our children's lives available to anyone who is interested? You may not post on Facebook or tweet about your child, but do you know what your nanny is doing?

During the process of interviewing and hiring a nanny, you should be explicit about your expectations for social media use. Some employers believe in a zero-tolerance policy, meaning that under no circumstance can any pictures or information about their children be shared online. Others are not as strict, and may allow photos to be shared without any names or identifying information.

A nanny divulging too much information can pose a threat to your children. Certain social media sites automatically share your location every time you post content. Make sure that all location services are turned off. Also discuss whether you are comfortable with your nanny "checking in" at a public location or even your house.

In addition to social media, you should also set rules about texting while working. It may be appropriate for your nanny to text you with updates about your children, especially if you are unable to have a phone conversation. It may not be appropriate, however, for your nanny to text friends while she is working. She is not giving her full attention to your children, which is dangerous.

Finding a nanny in Los Angeles can be difficult. If you are looking for experienced help with your children, consider using Colonial Domestic Agency. We have helped many families with their domestic staffing needs.

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