The new nanny checklist

You've gone through the resumes, interviewed numerous applicants, checked references and even had a few tryouts for your top nanny picks. Now that you've finally hired the best person to take care of your child, you can now just leave your home without a care in the world, right?

While any seasoned nanny will have the skills to watch over your children and keep them safe, they will need a bit of help from you. Namely, a list of vital information that they should know in case of an emergency. Your list for any new nanny should include: 

  • Alarm code – If your house is equipped with an alarm system, you should show the nanny how it works and give her the phone number of the alarm company in the event that she forgets the code or it goes off unexpectedly. 
  • Emergency contacts – You should provide your nanny with the names and phone numbers of any close friends or relatives who could make a decision about your child on your behalf. You should also provide the phone number of your family physician. 
  • Medical information – You should name any allergies that your children may have in addition to any other dietary restrictions. If your child takes any medication, you and the nanny should review and write down the proper dosage and administering procedures. You may also want to have your medical insurance information handy in the event that the nanny has to take your child to the hospital. 

If you in the process of hiring a nanny, consider using the services of Colonial Domestic Agency for help with your search. Our experienced counselors are available to help you find the best applicant for the job. 

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