Tips to have a safe and fun Halloween: Part One

Whether you’ve hired a nanny or personal assistant to take your children around town this Halloween, it’s important to lay some ground rules beforehand. That goes for both your employee and your children.

By doing so, you ensure that everyone has a safe, fun and happy Halloween. In our two-part series, we list tips and tricks (and maybe some treats) so you can make this spooky day the best one yet!

1. Travel safety

Kids should never walk alone on Halloween. In fact, no one should. Even teenagers who want to venture out on their own should travel in groups.

If your nanny or personal assistant is taking your kids trick-or-treating remind them to:

  • Not use their  electronics, such as a cell phone or music device. These can be distracting and could cause the professional to lose site of your children in the dark.
  • Ensure the kids always cross the street with an adult. However, let this be a great opportunity to teach them how to cross the street safely: always use a crosswalk, always cross where lights are present, make eye contact with the driver.
  • Always use a crosswalk, if you can, when trick-or-treating. Map out the route and stay off main roads.

2. Costume safety

Also, prior to going out, make sure children can clearly see out of their costume. Instead of wearing face masks, put on face paint, which is less likely to obstruct their vision.

The nanny or personal assistant should also check that the costumes fit properly. If there are any low-hanging parts,trim them so the children don’t trip. This will help prevent injury.

You can’t be certain that every street you’re traveling to will be well lit. To counter this, dress kids in costumes and decorate goody bags with reflective tape and stickers. If these don’t fit with the theme, purchase a costume with light colors. Or, at the very least, make sure that every person in the party has a very strong flashlight.

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