Top 3 criteria for hiring a nanny

The decision to hire a nanny is a major commitment, both to your family and to this new member of the household. A nanny is much more involved in the raising of your child than a babysitter, so you want to make sure you hire someone who not only has the ability to care for your son or daughter, but also will uphold the ideals and beliefs that you do. As a nanny becomes a more integrated part of your family you'll want to make sure they are backing you up in all of the areas you feel are critical to the upbringing of your child, from education to emotional support.

In order to develop the right relationship with your nanny, consider these three key factors:

Be a team – A family is also, in many senses, a team. The new nanny is part of that team and should be treated as such, which means not only tasking them with caring for your child but listening to their input and advice.

Create a routine – For the benefit of both your child and new nanny, it is important to create a routine that is followed when the nanny is around and when he or she isn't. From bedtime to when it is appropriate to eat treats, if you don't follow the same guidelines as the nanny it undermines their authority to your child and creates a rift in the team.

Establish boundaries – Of course, this also means setting boundaries with your nanny. For example, in many households the family doesn't want the nanny to discipline their child, preferring to be informed of any bad behavior when they return home and take care of it themselves. 

If you're considering hiring a nanny to watch over your children, be sure to contact Colonial Domestic Agency. We provide expert placement services to ensure you get the right nanny for your home's needs.

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