Traits to look for in a professional when hiring for the holidays: Part Two

Are you looking forward to seeing friends and family this Thanksgiving. Are you  overwhelmed trying to prepare for the big day? Think about hiring professionals to help you out.

In the final part of our two-part series, we explore a few more professionals that can make your Thanksgiving a roaring success. We also look into what traits they should have.


If you're hosting out-of-town family members, they may need to be picked up from the airport. If that's the case, a chauffeur is the perfect professional to hire. All chauffeur's hired through Colonial Domestic have an excellent driving record and experience driving luxury cars.


Valets are perfect if you're traveling for Thanksgiving or hosting family and friends. Some of their duties include managing wardrobes and prepping outfits for laundry, dry cleaning, mending, and steam and press. They are also responsible for organizing and overseeing all packing and unpacking for travel. Valets should have great time management skills, be friendly and well-organized

Estate Manager

If you've hired many of the professionals we've suggested throughout our two-part piece, consider hiring an estate manager as well. Estate managers lead your crew of professionals, ensuring they are performing their jobs to the best of their ability. Estate managers must have flawless leadership qualities, communication skills and must be well-organized.

Are you interested in applying for domestic jobs with one of the most trusted domestic staffing agencies? Contact Colonial Domestic Agency today!

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