Work-from-home parents deserve nannies too

Parents who work from home need time to focus and remain undistracted, which makes nannies a perfectly viable option. Even though you're in the house doesn't mean you have time to care for your children 24/7. Hiring a nanny can take some of the stress off while you focus on important work, but you still can check in and spend time with your children at any point during the day.

Nanny Magazine recently discussed the role a nanny can play for work from home parents and how to ensure that the relationship between the nanny and family is positive and productive.

One common problem the news source noted is that parents working from home can often unintentionally undermine the nanny's authority, causing children to go to them, instead of the nanny, with questions and when they want things. This can be addressed by explaining to your children that when they nanny is there they have to go to her when they want treats or need help with something. Allow the nanny to do her job, which in turn will allow you to do yours.

Setting boundaries, such as when the children can come see you in your home office or how loud they can play, and ensure that you and your nanny are on the same page about these rules. This will create a copacetic relationship that supports your needs as a work-from-home parent and ensure that you are getting your money's worth from your nanny.

If you're a work-from-home parent looking to hire a talented nanny, contact Colonial Domestic Agency for help finding the perfect match for you and your children's needs.

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