Working with a nanny frees up personal time

Saving time may seem like one of the most obvious perks of hiring a nanny, but it's hard to understate what this can mean to a busy parent. So much energy is put into raising children that freeing up just a little bit of that may make a big difference. While having a hands-on nanny there to care for your child could take some trust at first, it can also help you work on important projects or even better your career.

If that seems like a farfetched statement, read what Katharine Zaleski recently wrote in an article for Elle. Zaleski, the president of a jobs site for women, described the shame a working woman can feel when she admits she has a nanny.

Yet Zaleski argues hiring someone to help raise her child has made it possible for her to succeed, especially compared to other options, like day care.

"With our nanny, Ester, taking care of our daughter, I can work and travel as much as I need to," she said. "I can make it to last-minute meetings that run into the evening; I can get on a plane on a day's notice to take an investor meeting in Texas, like I did just a month ago."

The last point is especially relevant for the live-in nanny, who can be more flexible than one who only comes over for work. This might also help employers avoid payment and overtime issues when the person is always available. A good source of childcare talent will help you figure this out from the beginning.

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