Would you make a good butler?


Cleaning, cooking, maintaining, managing, scheduling and caring – all with exceptional style and etiquette. Do you have what it takes to be a good butler?

Ask yourself these questions to determine if you’re a good fit for the role:

Do you believe that patience is a virtue?
No two households are the same, so you’ll need to give yourself time to adjust to your new position. Plus, you may have to run weird errands, follow particular preferences, politely greet and host guests or handle unexpected challenges. The most successful butlers have the patience to manage the demands of the job with grace.

Are you organized?
The 21st century butler is essentially a personal assistant. While responsibilities vary between households, butler duties may include scheduling travel plans, booking doctors appointments, handling home maintenance, planning dinner parties or paying household bills. Strong organization and time management skills will help you handle these varying tasks efficiently.

Are you quick on your feet?
While housekeepers handle the predictable tasks, such as cleaning and laundry, butlers are responsible for the unpredictable household challenges. You’ll need to make swift decisions, proactively responding to problems such as hiccups in scheduling, tensions between household staff and maintenance issues.

Do you need constant praise?
The trick to being a good butler is discreteness. You’re there to take care of other people, meet their needs and foster a comfortable environment. If you’re running the house successfully, you should essentially become invisible to your boss, as well as his or her family and guests. Therefore, you can’t expect to constantly receive praise for your work. In the best way possible, a good butler blends into the woodwork and ensures that everything is running smoothly behind the scenes.

Are you attentive to detail?
Butlers can make a pretty penny, but with a handsome salary comes an expectation for excellence. A good butler learns the ins and outs of the household, serving the family’s preferences and meeting their standards with every completed task.

Are you tech savvy?
The modern day butler should be well-versed in the latest home technologies and security systems, as well as various equipment and appliances. At the very least, successful butlers are quick learners with the ability to adapt to new software and equipment with ease.

If you think you have what it takes to be a fabulous personal butler, Colonial Domestic Agency can match you with the perfect family. Plus, we offer a six-month trial period to make sure it’s the right fit.

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