How can you form a strong relationship with your domestic staff?
Employees have annual reviews, but when was the last time you gave yourself one? Doing so can help you form stronger bonds with your employees.
Don’t ignore your employees’ stress: Help them
Are your employees stressed out? This can be extremely dangerous to both businesses and households that employ domestic workers.
Improve your children’s grades by hiring a nanny
Are your children struggling in school? Each year, countless kids fall behind in their academics and have a difficult time catching up. A study by the ACT Inc., the national testing group, found that once kids stumble early, they rarely catch up. That's scary news for parents who want to ensure their children are receiving […]
Don’t just look at an employee’s professional skills when hiring them
It’s important to look beyond a candidate’s skill set when inspecting their candidacy for an open position.
How to reduce stress during the holidays by hiring domestic workers
Domestic workers can reduce your stress during the holidays.
How can a chef make you and your family better people?
A chef can help families become closer and grow into better people. If this sounds a bit surprising, we’re not shocked. After all, many people probably think a chef’s only job is to cook. And yes, while cooking is their main responsibility, they’re also versatile professionals who bring a lot more to the table. Because […]
How hiring a nanny can help you during the holidays
The holidays can be a lot of fun spending time with friends and family. You share memories and make new ones over a cup of eggnog and next to a roaring fire. It’s a beautiful time of the year … that is unless you have a full-time job, a family to support, a million errands to […]
3 ways to ensure your employees work well together
Creating a collaborative work environment is critical. Many believe it increases employee happiness which in turn will help employees work more efficiently and productively.
3 employee recognition myths
Are you recognizing employees regularly, but still feel like their productivity and engagement are down? It could be you’re offering them the wrong types of rewards.
How to prepare for your interview with a chef
Have you always wanted for you and your family to eat healthier, but found little time to learn how to cook healthy meals? It can often be difficult to conjure up delicious, healthy plates when you’re busy working all day and driving your kids to extracurricular practices. However, you can solve this problem by hiring a […]
Employee recognition matters. Here’s what you shouldn’t do
Recognizing employees is important, but recognizing them in the correct way is equally critical.
How to prepare for your interview with a nanny
Are you preparing to interview a nanny for an open position? You want to make sure you’re well-prepared. Here are two things you should consider doing to ensure the interview process goes smoothly and you extract the information you need to make an informative decision. 1. Prepare Well before you sit down with a nanny, […]